id="article-body" class="row" section="article-body"> Scarlett Johansson talks Black Widow.<br>
The Hollywood Reporter No one knows Natasha Romanoff better than Scarlett Johansson, the Black Widow actress told Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday.<br>
In an interview that spanned topics - from Woody Allen to Johansson's upcoming movies Marriage Story ( co-staring Adam - Driver) and JoJo Rabbit (directed by Taika Waititi), 온라인카지노 - Johansson talked about stepping into the executive producing role to tell Romanoff's st<br>
"I feel like I'm in control of the destiny of this film, which gives me a lot more peace of mind," she said, calling the character gritty and multi-dimensiona<br>
Black Widow, which is slated for May, is a prequel to Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame and takes places after 2016's Captain America: Civil War. It's the first standalone movie for the characte<br>
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